About City of Prayer

We are a growing City of believers who are designed and built by God to Love, Lift, and Lead  on the eternal principles of  biblical instruction and prophetic revelation that transforms lives.  Join Us for a reviving experience through prayer, faith and the tangible glory of God.

Our History

In June 1980 the church was birth by a small group of saints in Hodges, South Carolina. That small group was lead by the spirit of God to establish the first Church Of God In Christ in Greenwood, SC. The church was later renovated to accommodate a larger congregation. Next, the spirit of God moved in the city upon the members of the church and directed them to change the name from its original name Warren Temple, to Morning Star. Thru the teaching of Christ Jesus under a new name but of the same faith souls found God to be a true deliver and champion in their life. Under the same leading of the Holy Spirit, The church installed a new spirit Filled Leader, the late Pastor Anderson Gray.  November of 2019, Elder Devon Sr and Evangelist Candi Wilson “Lady C” were installed to carry the will of God concerning the church.

Our Vision

Enlarge the City of believers through  prayer, faith and Godly principles



Walk In Love and Love one another. As Jesus has loved you, so you also must love one another. By this everyone will know that you are a disciples of God.


Lift up the name of Jesus and all men shall be drawn unto him.


Follow my example, as I follow the example of Christ.
